Tuesday 25 October 2016

Facebook Now Allows Food Ordering and Ticketing on its Platform

As we all know, Facebook is the most popular social networking platform. With an account, you are able to utilize all the features and facilities of Facebook. Once the smartphone became popular, all the websites slowly started to implement app only strategy, so to do that they showed interest to hire the best mobile apps development company. But Facebook remain available on both website and mobile app.

Its features like connecting with people through sharing and chats, and the facility to share your thoughts, photos and video, creating a brand, creating a public awareness on the basis of products or services, and even you can use Facebook ads. Apart from these features, Facebook introduces one more feature that allows users order food, book tickets and other services on Facebook page, from delivery.com and other companies.

Let’s see the new features introduced by Facebook in depth:

New feature of Facebook included some advancement like you can order food, movie tickets, schedule your appointment and other professional services on Facebook page. Through delivery.com and Slice Facebook page, you can order foods, and on Ticket Master Page, you can buy movie and event tickets and you can also schedule an appointment on MyTime page. The main intention of introducing these features in Facebook is making Facebook users always connect with them.

This is Facebook’s latest effort to make yellow pages go alive. According to a survey, around 650 million people use Facebook’s Event in a month, but to purchase the tickets they have to visit some other website where they can be able to book the real ticket. But now people can purchase the desired service on the same platform. This facility helps both Facebook and promoters who are really looking to get a high conversion to their ads.

While travelling, if you feel that friends suggestion is required for any particular action, you can easily get it by using the new recommendation feature on Facebook. If you have updated your status with “suggestion is required from friends”, Facebook’s artificial intelligence detects it to make it appear on your timeline to allow others to help you. Once you turn on Recommendations, a requirement of suggestions will appear in the news feed, and comments from friends will be added to map.

Finally, Facebook is introducing new standalone Events app to support event tab in main app. You are now able to see a feed of Event discovery content, including RSVPs from friends, and you can browse it like what’s up today, tomorrow and this weekend. By switching to a traditional calendar, you can come to know what’s coming up for you. The idea is to tell you what parties, meetups, art exhibitions and more going to happen around you.

Recently Facebook introduced these new features in US, if they get a good feedback from users, they will introduce these features for other geographies.

Hope this article provided useful information about Facebook’s new features. And if you are App enthusiasts, you can check with: How Businesses Can Benefit from Chatbot App Development?

Are you looking for app development companies who can develop an app like Facebook?

We at FuGeX are one of the best Facebook apps development companies in India (Bangalore). We help you develop innovative Facebook apps as per your requirements. We also provide our app development services for multiple platforms.

Wednesday 9 December 2015

Top 10 Mobile App Development Companies in Los Angeles

So many people are there who are having great app ideas, but they are not forwarding their step towards the app development because they are scared of those mobile app development companies in USA who will give fake promises and commitments. Some companies they are really doing fraud to everyone, they are talking the money from the clients and handing over an incomplete project or a project with bug. So it is very tough to select a good company for your mobile app.

So here in this blog I am going to tell you about the top mobile app development companies in USA / Los Angeles. And you can also trust them not only as because of they are ranking in google search engine but also brand agencies like Clutch ranked them as a top most company.

Here is the list of the companies …..

FuGenX Technologies Pvt Ltd:-

Mobile app development company India

FuGenX is the best mobile app development company, providing services in India, Middle East, UK , Canada and Australia. We develop applications for all categories like entertainment, games, news, business, medical, pharmaceutical etc. Our mobile applications comprise Android apps development, blackberry, HTML5, iPhone apps development. We have pioneered in the development of mobile apps and mobile games with high attributes and have gained valuable clients.

Applico is a reputed US based mobile app development company located in New York, Los Angeles and Boston. We have worked for many good companies like Disney and google. We also do responsive web development and specialize in building backend infrastructure for mobile apps.


Dogtown Media, Founded in 2011, is a mobile app development company headquartered in Santa Monica, California with a presence in San Francisco, New York City, and London. We are quickly increasing our application development activities into mobile commerce, geo-location, mobile app analytics and etc.


Founded in 2009, one of the rising mobile app development company located in West Los Angeles, providing digital creative services including mobile applications. We are having Fortune 500 clients such as Samsung, BBC Worldwide, Westfield and etc.


One of the emerging mobile app development company in USA, physically located in Los Angeles. Whether you are a big company or a start-up our experienced team can bring your ideas to reality.


Innoppl was originated in 2009 as a web development company mainly focused on PHP and Ruby. But we started creating mobile app in 2010. Today we are one of the best mobile app development company in USA located in Los Angeles. We release 1-2 apps each month in the app store.

Nextware Technologies:-

Nextware is a one of the emerging mobile app development company in Los Angeles, California. Our services include software implementation, business process automation, and software integration. We provide onsite customer support in most locations around United States and Canada.


ArcTouch is a full-service based mobile app development company headquartered in USA. Our app developers and designers can create custom smartphone apps in any platform like android, ios, windows etc. We have more than 250 projects for Fortune 500 companies.

Pacific App Design:-

One of the best mobile app development company in California. We are not simply an app factory like many of the app development companies around today. We are providing exceptional work for our clients and ensuring that every app development experience is an extraordinary one.


VezTek USA is providing mobile app development services from more than 10 years. We have located in Los Angeles, San Francisco, Denver and London. We have more than 500 mobile app in our portfolio. We are providing expert services to clients all across the US.

On the basis of some researches and after showing the reviews, I have listed this information.

Thursday 12 November 2015

Mobile App Development Trends To Look Out For In 2016

The Mobile app development industry is booming and continuing its progress year by year.  We have seen so many trends in mobility in the year 2015, maturing from tablets to wearable devices and Internet of Things. In 2015, we have seen an increased focus on analytical app and also marketing app.

By the recent researches, it has shown that the Apple App Store has accepted 1000 apps per day in 2015. And, also it has been predicted that the total number of Smartphone users may cross 2.15 billion in 2016, which means an annual growth of 13%. As we are in the last quarter of 2015, this is the best time to give brief information about the upcoming trends of mobile app in 2016.

Mobile application development company

App Security:-
As per Gartner’s prediction, it has seen that 3 out of 4 mobile apps have failed for basic security tests in 2015. And, security is the main issue that app developers have struggled to find out throughout the year and also the focus will remain in 2016 as well. Apple’s iOS 9 and Google’s Android Marshmallow have already included their high-end security protocol. Those apps which are storing highly sensitive personal information, in that developers simply cannot give polish over the security gaps in their applications.

Wearable Technology:-
Google Glass might have come and gone, wearable Technology was one of the hottest topics in tech and consumer electronics industries in 2015.Wearable device’s apps are mostly focused on the healthcare industry, but by the beginning of 2016 Wearable devices are expected to be used by the enterprises to improve their productivity and efficiency.Developers will be transferring their own concentration from Smartphones to wearable device applications for enterprise and various industries in 2016.

Cloud Technology:-
Like 2015, cloud technology will continue to play an essential role in mobile app development in 2016.With the rise in the usage of multiple mobile devices and wearable devices, developers have to give importance on the ability to incorporate and synchronize their apps on multiple devices.The cloud technology will help developers to work on functionalities that can be used on any mobile device with the same functions, features and data.

Shorter app development cycles:-
As the demand of mobile app is increasing, the mobile app development companies will start focusing on the rapid development that means reducing the time frame between ideation to launch. A faster app development time frame will allow companies to survive in this fiercely competitive domain. The absence of delays will satisfy clients too.

Growing popularity of enterprise App:-
It has been predicted that, in 2016, 35% of all big enterprises are expected to have their own app development platform. And, for the reason of that third party enterprise developers are standing to gain the profit in such a scenario. In fact, at present over 42% enterprise app developers have monthly revenue of $ 10000, as because of growing such popularity of enterprise app. So, in 2016, there will be a great opportunity for mobile app developers for developing applications for the Enterprise market.

Who We Are?
We are FuGenX Technologies Pvt Ltd. As we are reliable name for mobile application development in India and USA, we are ready to serve the best application for you. We are having more than 8 years experience in iPhone app development in India. We are also experienced in mobile game development, iOS app development and Android app development in India. We have developed world class mobile apps on all platforms for our customers. For more info on our world-class mobile app development service, visit www.fugenx.com.

Tuesday 29 September 2015

Revolution in the Automotive World by Apple with iCar

The automotive world is having involvement of different types in this year. These involvements were not being started by Chinese car companies or Uber entering the automobile market. However,these concerns have been accomplished by the fact that Apple Inc. may be entering into the automobile industry by developing its own car.

If Apple is going to develop a car, that car would be highly sophisticated like their software and hardware has so far been.It would be extremely stylish and innovative like their mobile phones that they used to develop over the years.The car would be more advanced than their phones.For that, the company has taken different steps that have hinted that there would be a possibility of developing a car.

iPhone apps development India

Features of Apple’s iCar:-
1) Windshield features four times as many pixels as reality
2) Incorporation with Apple Gasoline
3) The driver is prompted to sign into the iCloud before each gear shift
4) Compatible with most major roads
5) Suggests new driving speeds based on user’s past favorites
6) Windshield cracks easily, though car typically still works fine afterwards
7) The sticker price of $85,000 drops to $199 with two-year Verizon contract
8) Wheels turn into rainbow pinwheels whenever car stalls
9) Lightweight but powerful enough to careen across six lanes of traffic and through guardrails of the overpass
10) Comes with a large number of cool Apple stickers.

News around the motor world has suggested that Apple has been finding automotive experts from other companies to be assisted in their preparations. Apple has hired so many automobile experts from different companies like Mercedes and Tesla and also other companies in the motor world. Apple has already taken some test drive on the public road in San Francisco.The company has had several discussions with California DMV and GoMentum Station. The GoMentum is having a naval base just outside of San Francisco. And, that base is supposed to have 20 miles of everyday public transport situations for Apple to test its cars on, including highways. They have set some armed soldiers patrolling on that base at all times to stop anyone getting a look inside.

The news of making a car by Apple would surely cause huge waves in the motor world. This is as because of the fact that Apple is a high-quality software and hardware developer.So if the company uses the same radical technological concepts that they have used in the phone industry, then it is clear that they are going to develop incredible features like self-driving capabilities.

When Apple iCar will be released?
We don’t have any solid conclusion about whether the iCar will be released or not, but some reports have still wondered about the iCar release date. Of course, there is nothing exact, The Wall Street Journal, however, says that the Apple Car could appear as soon as 2020.

So it is the best chance to develop an iPhone app that will be fitted with Carplay feature to integrate into the iCar. FuGenX is the best iPhone app development company providing mobile app development services in India, Kuwait, UK, and USA.We develop application for all the verticals including retail, real estate, manufacturing, insurance, travel and many more.We are having very much skillful iOS app development team who has numerous auspicious experiences in this apps development field.We are also having services like android app development, windows app development, mobile game development etc.

Friday 24 July 2015

Using Smartphone Apps for Marketing and Building Your Brand

Marketing is the process of telling customers why they should choose your service whereas so many competitors are there. The important thing in marketing is finding the right way and passing the right message to influence your customers. Marketing helps you to attract new customers, focus on satisfying their needs and build strong relationship.

There are a lot of channels through which we can do marketing. But nowadays, mobile apps are largely used for marketing because consumers spend more time on mobile apps than computer applications. Today, everyone is investing in mobile app advertising to reach larger customer base. Google’s acquisition of AbMob and Apple’s iAd network are the best proof of the true power of mobile applications in the field of marketing and advertising.

Mobile apps development India

A mobile application is like a blank billboard sign. You can do whatever you want; you can make it stylish, attractive, innovative or informative. But what you really have to do is creating an app that is having attractive features that customers will love.

Mobile app creates a new opportunity for marketing, branding for companies and helps them to create a good customer experience with interactive content, design and other innovative marketing techniques. Creating an app can enable your company to easily get noticed in the market.

The Ways Mobile Applications Can Promote Your Business....

1) Let the users buy your product or service on your app. The app makes the whole buying and selling process very easy for consumers and also allows them to browse the products.

2) You can use your app to promote products, services and events completely free.

3) Many apps like Facebook Messenger are simply designed to simplify complex websites. This kind of apps can help to improve your customer’s experience.

4) Create free apps for the exposure of your business. Offering a high quality app might not earn you any money upfront, but you can get lot of exposure. It will help you get both clients and investors.
5)You can use mobile apps to get people to share or like things on Facebook. You can also use it to generate tweets.

6) Use advertising platforms like AdMob and iAd to advertise your app. Use preferred mobile advertisement platform to gain more customers to your business.

7) Always choose an app for advertising that already has stabilized market. Though if you are gaining nothing apart from brand identification, it is an initial step you are going in the right direction.

8) If you tied up with any other company in your industry for promoting your service, then you can give advertisement in their app about your services and product.

Mobile apps play an important role in every business for branding and marketing purpose. FuGenX is an award winning Mobile App Development Company in India, providing services in USA, Kuwait, Saudi, UK, and Canada. We build world class mobile apps on all platforms for all sorts of businesses.

We have an experienced mobile application development team who can develop your desired app. We provide different mobile app development services like Android app development, iPhone app development and mobile game development.Direct your mail to info@fugenx.com, we will revert back to you within 24 hours.

Wednesday 8 July 2015

Wearable technology

Wearable’s are a great invention in the world of technology. Wearable devices are electronic devices that can be encapsulated comfortably into the clothes and accessories. Wearable’s initially got popular in business sector, now wearable’s are gradually becoming popular among consumers as well.

There are different wearable devices in the market such as:

Mobile application development india

1)Smart Watches:-
Smart watch is a great example for wearable device, through which you can make calls, you can get social media updates and also you can use it as a camera to take any picture. The LG G Watch, one of the first to use the Android Wear operating system.

A wearable Bluetooth personal communicator for iPhone and Android.

3)Google Goggles:- 
A downloadable image identification app created by Google, which is used for searches based on images taken by handheld devices.

4) Activity trackers:-
Activity trackers, including the Fitbit and Misfit Shine, are used to measure how many steps you walk throughout the day, observe your heart rate, calculate the calories you burn, and gather the data of your sleep patterns. iOS 8 is designed to help you keep track of all of your health and fitness data.

Wearable Technology in different Industry...

1)Wearable technology creates a great impact in Retail industry. Wearable technologies provide a great opportunity for organizations, especially for information gathering and to expand their business value. By using wearable technology, retailers can figure out which segment of a store a customer visits, advertising agencies can target customers based on location and the nature of the application associated with the device.

2)Recently,the labor-intensive industries wearable technology have started using because wearable technology has the capability of communications and allows the user to access all information in real time that improves profitability and productivity.Data-input capabilities features are also necessary features which are incorporated in wearable devices.

3)In distribution industry, wearable technology is used in the form of glasses that are built with high definition cameras and worn by warehouse employees and used to assure the correct item is delivered. It helps to direct the sequence of item selection to improve efficiency.

Wearable technology devices such as Android and Apple watches are already available to the general public for purchase. Nearly all wearable devices are used in health application. Health applications gather health and fitness data, calories, blood pressure and heart rate. The increasing availability of wearable devices, incorporating more health-related functions and features and user interest present a chance for the healthcare industry to improve the quality of medical care.

Mobile app technology combines with wearable devices to change the way of wearable technology in market. FuGenX is an award winning Mobile App Development Company in India offering services in USA, Kuwait, Saudi, Indonesia. For more information about wearable technology and to avail high quality iPhone apps, visit www.fugenx.com.We are also expert in  iPad app developmentBlackberry app development and Mobile game development.You can also send your query to info@fugenx.com.

Tuesday 2 June 2015

Latest Trends in Mobile App Development in 2015

The trend is like rock music that keeps both performers and audiences get excited. Likewise, the latest trend in mobile app technology has kept both mobile app developers and users on the peak of excitement. The year 2014 saw a tremendous growth in mobile app development and that trend has been continuing with highly interactive features to keep you engaged.

To make use the most of mobile apps development, it has become essential for mobile app developers to adapt to the latest trends.

Let’s have a look at latest trends in mobile app development highlighted below:

1) Preference for mobile web apps: 
There has been considerable developments happened in the mobile app world, including mobile web apps. Mobile web apps look nearly same as native apps (or mobile apps) at first glance. But when comes to benefits getting by both businesses and you, mobile web app has a greater advantage than native apps in terms of compatibility, wider accessibility and cost-effectiveness. It has pushed businesses to prefer mobile web apps nowadays. You can also go for hybrid apps (blended features of mobile web apps and native apps) for greatest benefits.

Mobile apps development india

2) Mobile payment apps: 
Mobile wallet, a type of mobile payment method, has created a great impact on businesses since its inception. Mobile wallet is considered as more secure than conventional methods of payment, which has stimulated even banking sector also in recent years. It is expected that the mobile payment method may overtake the credit and debit card payment methods in the coming years.

Single click bill paying feature with high security has made mobile payment apps popular and it could be more popular in the near future. Whatever the business you are into, mobile payment apps could be a difference maker.  

3) Integrating parallax scrolling for ultimate UX:
Any application with an eye-catching UX (user experience design) is the utmost of necessity to gain the attention users and making them engaged. A proper integration of parallax scrolling effect into mobile apps ensures a rich user experience, which can retain user attention for very long hours.
Parallax scrolling technique integrated mobile apps are becoming more and more trendy nowadays all around. If you provide great experience for your app users, your app will be automatically popularized.    

4) Cloud based apps:
Since the drastic rise in smartphone usage, it is of great importance making a smooth and seamless integration between the application data. Mobile cloud computing has made this task easy for developers by changing the way of storing information. This major breakthrough encourages businesses to switch over to cloud based apps. In terms of both security and cost, you can rely and accept cloud based mobile apps.

5) Rise in multi-player mobile gaming apps:

As you know, mobile games are favorite of all age group people. Gaming and social networking mobile apps are in great demand nowadays all over the world. The innovation of multiple-player mobile gaming apps has created a great craze among mobile game lovers. So Innovation in Mobile game development is needed for creating popular mobile games. By integrating social media and social interaction within apps properly, developers can build highly interactive multi-player gaming apps.

6) Effective promotion of application:
When promoting any application, developers mainly need to consider client’s budget and time constraint, it has to be handled tactfully. User engagement was the major thing that developers considered to promote an application previous year. This year seems developers are more likely to go with area based Wi-Fi services and beacons.

In this highly competitive mobile app world, it is always a difficult task for developers to make their apps get noticed, but FuGenX is the award winning mobile app development company in India providing services USA, Kuwait and Saudi has that capability to convert your ideas into the mobility.We also have Android application development, Blackberry app development, Windows application development services.We have knowledgeable mobile application development team who work effectively according to the latest trends can be a mentor for revenue generation for businesses.